New Years Resolutions at LevelTen

It's that time of the year at LevelTen. Time for everyone to make resolutions (goals) for the new year. This podcast, we'll tell you about some of the plans we have for the company over the next year. Kayla Wren discusses LevelTen's learning culture, and what we've got planned for broadening our minds in 2010. Renee Dobbs talks about her plan to give more back to the community. Jon Webb goes over his plans for giving more back to our clients, including interesting ideas on how to stay in touch though knowledge sharing. Colin Alsheimer talks about his goals for LevelTen's blog community. What are your goals for 2010?

Power Tip

Wrap your team building exercises around events that also give back to the community. Not only is it a great way to build bonds between team members, but it will benefit the community too.