During this week's fantastic podcast, we discuss:
Yahoo's New Gamble
Neil Lemons
The Wall Street Journal reports Yahoo! is scheduled to launch new ad features and tools today. These features will include the ability for advertisers to show graphic ads to based on their previous search history. Plus, Yahoo will allow those graphic ads to also be targeted based on what other web sites that user visited and their actions on those web sites. Next month Yahoo plans to launch dayparting and demographic targeting for their text based ads.
Yahoo to Offer Tools To Match Users, Ads (WSJ)
The Long Tail Gets Even Longer
Colin Alsheimer
According to recent data released by Hitwise and discussed in Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim blog, 8-word search queries are up over 34,000% since 2004. In fact, in 2004, people were NOT using 8-word search queries - now, they account for 3.43% of all search queries. What does this mean for Internet marketers and the future of SEO?
Andy Beal's Article
Web 2.0 Dies a Slow Death...or Does It?
Jonathan Hall
The term "Web 2.0" has been an incredibly popular term over the past four years describing the trend online towards social/community websites. However, Robin Wauters at Techcrunch has examined the falling use of the "Web 2.0" term online, utilizing Google Trends and Insight, and believes that this signals the beginning of the end for the term by 2011. Could this be the death of Web 2.0?
The Death of Web 2.0