
Drupal 7 Tutorial: Image Fields

One of the more popular yet tricky things to do on a content management system is to attach images to content. It's tricky for two reasons. First, you have to upload a file from your local computer to the server via web browser. Second, for many scenarios your going to want to enforce some standard image formatting such as consistent image sizes. Well Drupal not only gives you the ability to upload images but has a rather clever way of automating cropping and other special formatting so they look uniform when displayed.

Drupal 7 Tutorial: List Fields

In the tutorial "Adding Fields," we saw how we can attach text fields to content types for people to add data. But there are times you want more control than a free form text field or text area box. You might want to limit the authors selection to a fixed set of options. This is where a list field comes in handy. In this tutorial, we'll take a look at how list fields work and some of the unique options they provide.

Introduction to Fields in Drupal 7

The ability to create custom content types is core to Drupal’s flexible architecture. One of the most powerful ways to customize content types is by adding additional data, such as dates and locations to event types or pricing and images to product types. The ability to extend content objects is a must-have in top tier content management systems. Drupal, like many other top CMS systems, has a long history of being able to extend content with modular programming.

Drupal Node Publishing Controls Tutorial

Node Publishing Controls

Drupal can handle some pretty advanced publishing scenarios. The core installation provides us with a handful of settings that enable us to control many aspects of how nodes are published. In this video we are going to dig deeper into node publishing and revisioning options.

Our main publishing settings are found on the node edit form. There are three sets of fields that work together to give us a considerable amount of control over the publishing process. They are:

Drupal 7 Node Displays Tutorial

Drupal 7 Nodes

Nodes on a Drupal site can be displayed in several different modes. Each useful in a different context. For each mode, we can configure what content gets displayed and how it is formatted. In this tutorial we'll look at the different node modes and how to manage how they're displayed. Drupal provides several different display modes for nodes.

Types of Nodes

The two most familiar ones are full nodes and teasers.