How to Navigate the Client / Agency Relationship

client and agency relationship tips Today in the TenSpot in honor of Valentines day we're going to be talking about the unique relationship between a client and their agency. As the story goes, when a client and an agency love each other very much, they come together to form a web presence. But sometimes they have an ugly web presence, and no one wants to admit theirs is ugly, but it happens. Then the agency and the client are left wondering - could they have seen the signs earlier? On this week's panel, our featured relationship experts are Jon Webb, Chris Sloan and Colin Alsheimer. Join us as we discuss relationship tips for clients and their agencies.

Power Tip

Make sure you have a vision around a specific result that you want to have. Then, determine how much that goal is worth to you. Use that to determine your budgets for online spend. Related Articles: Photo Credit