About Kristin...
Kristin specializes in Drupal site configuration, theming, and front-end development. While she earned her PhD in Organic Chemistry at UC Berkeley, after several years of work in science she changed paths to make room for 2 years of travel. During her travels she picked up some website work to prolong the trip and enjoyed that so much she decided to make a living out of it. Since traveling is in her blood, in her spare time she runs a popular travel website (Drupal of course) - Drive the Americas. She also volunteers several hours a week with the Surfrider Foundation.
Party Trick: I can give travel tips for most everywhere in Mexico, Central America, or South America (except Brazil).
Guiltiest pleasure: Binge watching TV (especially Sci-Fi/Fantasy like Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Battlestar Galactica on Netflix).
Pick your poison: Cherry-flavored gummy candies
Voted most likely to: Procrastinate by flipping through old baby pictures of my daughter on my phone.