Chris Lee is an alumnus of Michigan State University. Graduating in 2007, his degree is in Telecommunication, Information Systems, and New Media. Originally from Michigan, Chris Lee has been building a career in the interactive industry for over 10 years. He was fortunate he had an early start. As a precocious web developer, his passion started developing websites at the early age of 13. His first website was hand coded as well.
Since then, Chris has been an active member of the North Texas Drupal Community. He has attended various Drupal Conferences and spoke at them as well. In the past, Chris has spoke at Dallas Drupal Days, Refresh Detroit, and Arbcamp. He has also been mentioned in Smashing Magazine, an e-zine dedicated to spotlighting design and development trends, for one of the top porfolio websites examples out there.
In his spare time, he likes to participate in weight lifting, photography, table tennis, yelping, cooking, gardening, watching sports and television shows and traveling with his girlfriend.
Currently, Chris resides in Plano, Texas.