One of the highlights of 2008 was working with Sejal Hathi, the founder of Girls Helping Girls. At the tender age of 16, she founded an international nonprofit organization to empower girls to...
In an interesting, yet not unexpected turn of events, a major Hollywood summer blockbuster has decided to forgo the typical 30 second Super Bowl ad spot for a cheaper and infinitely more creative...
I continue to find it amazing that around 30-40% of the new contacts and potential customers we work with find it important to ask if we've worked with their industry before. Clearly they have done...
Along with the adoption of Drupal as LevelTen’s recommended CMS/development framework, comes the need for best practices for Drupal design themes. Whether the design theme is pre-designed or is...
In these tough economic times it's getting harder and harder to earn new business as the marketplace for work grows increasingly competitive. No matter what your industry; most likely your starting...
Overview The goal of search engine optimization (SEO) is to implement targeted keyword phrases into a website in an effort to reach a high rank on a search engine results page (SERP) for those...
When developing modules, you often won't have the ability to output data structures to the screen using the Devel module's dsm() function because the devel module may not have yet loaded at the time...
When people want to find something on the Internet, they use a search engine. Millions of searches are conducted every day using search engines such as: Google, Yahoo!, MSN and many others. Some...
PC Users PC users can take a screenshot of anything displayed on their screen by pressing the "Print Screen" button on their keyboard, opening an image editing program (such as Photoshop or MS Paint...
In my experience with strategizing and managing online communities, the goal of getting users to register proves much easier to obtain than getting people to come back to the site and participate. I...