When you run a web server on your personal machine, you can access your web documents a few ways: using http://localhost or , virtual hosts ( http://whatever ), and the internal IP...
At LevelTen Design, one of the things we focus on when developing websites is usability. Usability on websites encompasses everything from creating usable navigation to making sure the website is...
The single most important thing about your website is not it's functionality or usability, it's not the marketing behind it our the hours your team spent developing the single most important thing...
My morning tea is always piping hot due to our splendid watercooler of local fresh spring water. I know I am blessed to have such a healthy work environment that is equally environment conscious of...
The last thing I want to do when I'm sick is go to the doctor. Scheduling an appointment when you need one is almost impossible. Then sitting in a waiting room of coughing patients watching a parade...
While I work in an interactive development agency, I still find my self a little lost sometimes with all of the new technology and online developments. Recently Chris Brogan wrote a great blog on how...
Every morning when you wake up there is a routine that you have become accustomed too. Alarm goes off, you hit the snooze, alarm goes off again, you hit the snooze a little harder this time, then...
Coda Coda is an amazing multipurpose program created by Panic Softare for the Mac OS platform; it combines a text and CSS editor, FTP program (based on the already wildly succesful FTP tool for Mac,...
Everybody's got to have a gimmick, a shtick. Pizza Hut has the cheese crust, car dealerships throw in the key chain, and in the online marketing and seo industry, one of these gimmicks is the free...
Out of the many different business models on the web the community based model is one that has grown to epic proportions over the last few years. From social networking sites to free software offers...