10 Free Photoshop Brushes and Patterns to Spice up Your Bland Drupal Theme
Most non-customized Drupal themes come with basic gradients or stale background colors, and for good reason. The idea behind themes is to provide a somewhat generic design for the masses - providing a basic layout and canvas from which designers can improve.
Here are a list of Photoshop Brushes and Patterns that can help spice up your bland Drupal theme. If you’re not familiar with adding Brushes or Patterns to Photoshop, there are step-by-step instructions on the web or you can follow the instructions below:
- Download Brush or Pattern and save it to your computer.
- Extract the Brush (.ABR) pr Pattern (.PAT) file.
- I believe Macs will automatically locate folder and add the file. If you are using a PC:
- Copy the .ABR or .PAT file then locate the Photoshop Presets folder typically located in Program Files > Adobe > Adobe Photoshop > Presets.
- Add .ABR files into the Brushes folder. Add .PAT files into the Patterns folder
- If you are working with Brushes, open Photoshop and select the Brush icon from the Photoshop Toolbar.
- Locate the Brush selector drop-down typically found at the top of your Photoshop screen.
- Once the drop-down appears, you will see a list or icon view of various Brushes installed. If you do not see the Brush set you added, select the arrow icon located in the top-right corner of the drop-down window.
- Select the Brush you would like to add. Then, select Append from the pop-up menu when prompted.
- You should now see the added Brushes in your list of Brushes. Enjoy!