Seeing as I am a new member to
Twitter myself – I wanted to put out there a simple and unique guide to the twitter basics… all in 140 words... Enjoy and Happy Twittering!
Set up your log in information and your profile.
Twitter is a social networking/microblogging service used across the world.
@username is how twitter identifies accounts- for example if your name was Susie Creamcheese your twitter would be @susiecreamcheese.
RT: re-tweet: tweeting content posted by another user.
Tweet a message sent on twitter that is text based and up to 140 characters.
Twitbox: a desktop client that allows you to submit/delete tweets as well as see replies & messages.
What are you doing? The question behind twitter that every tweep is answering.
IM: called DM or Direct Message.
Tweeps are twitter users- the ones tweeting!
To know what your friends are interested in find follow them on twitter- search by their name or “@susiecreamcheese”
Each tweet can also be replied to.
Recent tweets by people you follow show up on your homepage.