Websites That Enable You to Make a Difference
There are so many causes worth volunteering for, but time and our beliefs about whether or not we can actually make a tangible impact ultimately filter the causes we devote our resources to. I am excited that young, web savvy entrepreneurs have given us tools where we can fight for more causes we believe in, all without even leaving our desks. Here are some websites that can help get you started in changing the world:
1) Change.org - This is an online activism platform that has enacted change over the world. They recently got an Argentine journalist fired and got hacked for a petition against the Chinese government. Non-profits can register their organizations and then post their initiatives, updates and petitions for their followers to see. Furthermore, an individual can create a petition for a cause they believe in, and then use social media to get their network behind it. Some petitions have garnered upwards of 150,000 backers.
2) Idealist.org - This website connects organizations who need volunteers with those who can offer their services. There are a plethora of job and volunteer listings all over the world, and over 100,000 non-profits are registered. Causes cover the spectrum, so you will be able to find local or international opportunities that align with your interests. This is a great place to learn how you can get more involved.
3) Kiva.org - Kiva is an organization that allows people to lend money via the Internet to microfinance institutions in developing countries around the world. Field partners post profiles of entrepreneurs looking for loans, and then anyone can go to the website and fund a loan of their choosing. As the entrepreneurs repay their loans, you can withdraw your principal or re-lend it to another entrepreneur.
4) Avaaz.org - Avaaz.org is an international civic organization that promotes activism on various issues. The organization operates in thirteen languages, and has over nine million members in 193 countries. The site communicates with members via email, and employs campaigning tactics including online public petitions, videos, and email-your-leader tools. Several of its online petitions have gathered over 1,000,000 signatures from people all over the world. It is a tool for creating global movements and is recognized by powerful politicians and organizations as a credible organization.
Now, there is no excuse to not get involved. You can make a difference without spending a dime and without leaving your house. The time is now - start clicking and get involved.
And if none of the sites above tickle your fancy, perhaps you can just contribute to society by writing reviews for Diaroogle or MyPoop. Hey, a contribution is a contribution, and no one can argue with that.