6 Steps to Choosing the Best Web Design Company
Once you recognize that the internet is a competitive market, you will take every step to ensure that your customers have the best brand experience online in order to be successful. Consumers today have a variety of platforms to choose due to the phenomenal changes that have taken place in the social and mobile web. The task of finding a web design company that can deliver has never been as daunting as it is today. There is a fine line between success and failure when it comes to setting up and operating a website online today. Here is a simple compilation of 6 steps to choosing the best web design company.
Step one: know what you want and do not settle for less
Many business owners believe that because they do not know that much about the web and that they should leave all the work to the web design agency. This is the worst mistake to make when approaching a website design agency. The objectives and goals of putting up your business online are much similar to the reason why you have a business in the first place, create brand awareness and convert visitors to customers. This is an overall look, but you can discuss the specific goals, milestones and success measures with your stakeholders in order to come up with more definitive expectations of the web agency.
With a clear focus on what you want to achieve, you can request the agency to provide proof of their capabilities whether in a portfolio or examples of websites they have worked with (both successfully and unsuccessfully). You can use these examples to see the company’s approach in providing solutions to your business needs.
Step two: know your value and how much you are willing to pay
Before going deep into the process of finding a website design agency, remember that cost will determine whether you will hire an agency. Of course you want the best that money can buy but if it is not within your business budget to get an $15,000 website design, there is really nothing you can do about it. In order to beat the cost challenge, it is important to know the cost vs. value of any service from web design agencies.
When it comes to website design, just like anything else, you get what you pay for. Avoid cutting costs just to save a dollar, especially when you risk losing the long-term value of the results you planned for in the first step. Valuing the cost of the service is similar to comparing how the cost of your marketing and advertisement over the past couple of years has brought a ROI. Find out whether the agency has any evidence of the value delivered to a business through tangible results. Do not let the sticker price deter you from working with a great agency, find out what this sticker price entails and maybe you will change your mind altogether.
Step three: find out if they have a solid record of accomplishment
A solid record of accomplishment is not determined by how long the agency has been in business but how well they have performed for whatever period they have worked. Time does not dictate experience, so hearing that an agency has been in business for ten years does not necessarily mean that they are the best option for you. There is such a great diversity in the nature of websites, products and services offered online and it is wiser to look at the accomplishment of the agency in relation to the industry your business operates in.
You can find out how well the agency is doing based on performance data and client testimonials. A case study would be a great way to find out more about the approach of the agency to client needs and the method of measuring the results of their accomplishments in delivering to the client. At this point, communication is crucial and you should ask as many questions as you need to understand the methodologies of the agency and the reasons behind the decisions they make.
Step Four: Content is king
You should always find out what a web design agency has to say about content before hiring them. There is no doubt that quality content is essential for a great user experience. Website design is more than just structure and functionality of the website. The content has to merge well with the design and you should avoid agencies that want to tackle art before content.
You can tell that the agency is concerned about the right things when they dig deep about your business, your industry and your customers before they even talk about the kind of website they can create for you. The agency should value content first and demonstrate how this content will influence the design for a great website to be formed.
Step five: what is the strategy?
The web agency should offer a clear strategy on how to achieve all the things discussed above. A good web strategy will make your business authoritative, relevant and trustworthy. With a solid strategy, it is easy to create milestones, set realistic expectations and achieve measurable results. You should ask the agency to explain the approach in detail and this strategy should aim to reach all the goals discussed in the first step. Knowing the strategy is also crucial to staying within the budget.
Step six: The blogging factor
Blogging is a great way to build business value online. It is almost impossible to discuss web content and design without talking about blogging. A blog is a communication tool that can help bring you closer to customers by defining your image clearly. Blogs are forums for sharing ideas and building a community. Making your business more popular is not always about pushing the point of sale. You can make your business more likeable by creating a place where internet users can come to feel enriched, without feeling obliged to make a purchase. Besides being an ideal tool for building good customer relations, blogs are crucial for competitive positioning, search engine marketing, brand building and media relations.