As a designer, I spend a significant amount of time just browsing through beautiful sites others have made. I do this partly for inspiration and partly because I am addicted to the internet. Occasionally, I just stumble across an extraordinary site simply while I'm surfing the internet like any other average consumer. Such was the nature of my introduction to GorillaCoffee.com.
Fewer and fewer of my friends are working for Starbucks these days. Which means less and less free coffee for
me. As long as I'm paying for it, I thought I'd play the field a bit - try some new beans.
Gorilla Coffee was my first pass. They're out of Brooklyn, so you have to order on line, but their website is awesome and makes purchasing a breeze. I'm typically not a huge fan of sites developed completely in flash precisely
because they are often a nightmare to navigate. Gorilla Coffee, however, gently leads you by your opposable thumbs through the website like a friendly sales monkey should. The site navigation in it's entirety is always right where you can see it. The flash animation, while aesthetically pleasing, really gets out of the way of the content, supporting what your seeing instead of upstaging everything. It was designed and developed by
1 Trick Pony. If your looking for a gorgeous, accessible, smart flash website you should give them a shout.