Drupal Content Optimizer Module Makes SEO a Breeze
I'll be the first to admit that I am by no means a good writer; at best I'm a well-below-average writer but I've gotten much better at Drupal SEO thanks to the content optimizer. Okay, so that even sounds cheesy, but it's true. The content optimizer takes the hard work and guessing out of determining if my content is properly optimized for organic search by checking the following areas:
- Page Title
- Body Title
- Body Content
- Meta Keywords
- Meta Description
The content optimizer is so easy to use that my wife said "it's almost like cheating;" instead of worrying about what words or phrases need to be placed and how many times they need to be used I can get an exact look at areas that need improvement.

Here's how it works, simply input your phrase into the Targeted keyword phrase box and hit the analyze content button; the module will check all areas and report back with either a yellow or green box. A yellow box indicates that specified area needs improvement, while a green box indicates that the area analyzed is optimized. Beyond that, even in a green box appears you'll have tips and pointers for how your content can be further improved.
The only problem with the content optimizer is that it's only available on Drupal version 6, sorry 5 guys; however, I know the module developer and I've heard rumors of some further development.