LevelTen Needs Your Vote!
It's that time once again boys and girls and the office is all a buzz in anticipation; no, I'm not talking about Christmas, my kids are a buzz about that, I'm talking about DrupalCon Chicago Session Voting!
This year we've put together some of our best and brightest and somehow even Kayla's got in on the action. Joining up with friends from Acquia, Drupalverse and Volacci there's a little something for everyone from beginners to the experts. So if you're a fan, a friend or just occasionally check out one of our screen casts over at LevelTen Drupal Labs, give our sessions 5 stars and help saves us a couple of bucks on this trip!
15 Modules You Might Not Be Using But Should Be!
Mitigating Risk through Planning and Process
Storytelling for a better User Experience
Configuration management with Chef
The Scrum (R)evolution: embrace the future of web development
Secret Weapons for Driving More Traffic and Visitor Engagement
&%$@ My Internet Marketing Company Says
Building Online Leaders With Drupal