OpenSaas - Do You Use It?
I've recently have been reading articles and watching YouTube videos on the OpenSaas concept. If You have never heard of OpenSaas, well it's not a new concept at all.
OpenSaas is simply Open Source software that also happens to be a software-as-a-service. I didn't realize I was using OpenSaas even though I had been using it for years. Outside of the work place I am actually a Wordpress user, which until recently I didn't know was OpenSaas. However, now I work for here at LevelTen that also happens to have an OpenSaas distribution that runs on Drupal, which I also use on a regular basis.
Is there a trade off for OpenSaas software? You can make an argument. Companies that develop OpenSaas software basically hand over all of the code to their "secret sauce" and let consumers customize to their hearts content. The beauty of the OpenSaas concept is that you will always have engineers trying to make it better than it already was. They build a community similarly to what Drupal has. Wordpress has hundreds of "plug-in" being added to their Wordpress.com and Wordpress.org site daily and letting users have advanced websites.
LevelTen has it's own OpenSaas product, and we call it Open Enterprise Pro. Open Enterprise Pro is a Drupal distribution with all the best in breed built in one box. Let's call it a bit of a hybrid OpenSaas. Why? Because we also offer a community addition, similar to what Wordpress.com offers. You get some of the features, but to unlock the rest there is a fee, however you get access to EVERYTHING, making it completely OpenSaas.
Do you currently use OpenSaas software, if so what is it called? Have opinions on the OpenSaas concept? Let me know in the comments below!