How Does Search Happen

How Does Search Happen

I guess the first post to Search Happens should explain who we are and why we have decided to become one of the 35,799 new blogs put up in the last 24 hours. I am Ken Vernon and I have spent over 23 years in advertising and marketing. I was there at the beginning and the end of the dot com debacle of the late 90’s. I didn’t get rich and it cost me my agency. And for some odd reason, in all my experience of online marketing and website development I never got deep into search marketing. I guess I was like a lot of marketers and website developers, I was so deep in creating the online experience that I wasn’t focused on what happened after the site launched. Find a client, build a site, find another client, build another site. But recently I have had the good fortune to meet and start working with a guy who really, really gets search and online marketing. He is Tom McCracken, the founder and director of LevelTen in Dallas, Texas. Tom has opened my eyes to the full realm of search and how successful search marketing really works. He and I have spent hours upon hours talking about the landscape of search engine marketing and how to provide clients with true online and search marketing results. And guess what, it’s not all about keywords and website optimization. It is a complex formula that is different for every project and for every client. Successful search results happen when you understand the client, the client’s products and services, the client’s customers, the client’s goals and objectives. You must also understand the online landscape for the client, their products and services and their customers. Then you put your creative problem solving hat on to devise the specific formula for that client. Once the formula is implemented, you have to monitor, analyze and adjust…and keep on doing it, and keep on doing it, and keep on doing it. Seems a bit daunting, doesn’t it? But the results attained from good online and search marketing are stunning. True results. True conversions. True web ROI. And that’s what this blog will be about. We may ramble a little and we may post some stuff that appears to be random…but it will all point back to making search happen. Stay tuned.

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