How to Write a Headline for Your Blog That Will Knock People Out With Its Sheer Amazingness
Your headline is the equivalent of your physical appearance in the web world. It’s the short skirt that captures that cute guy’s eye. It’s that sexy hairstyle and ivy league degree that makes that gal look twice. Because people are surfing the web at rapid intervals, and everyone has developed acute ADHD as a result, it is imperative to grab your audience’s attention in 2 seconds or less, and to rope them into giving your blog or article a read. The Huffington Post is great at this. Celeb rags are great at this. And now, with some basic knowledge of what lures readers in, you can be great at this, too. Here are some important statistics and tips to consider when you write a headline:
- 8/10 people will read headline copy, but only 2/10 will read the article.
- A great headline makes all the difference when people decide whether or not they will read your content.
- Use uneven, unexpected and unusual numbers. (ie: "27 Tips for...")
- Use power words that lure people in such as "guaranteed," "secrets," "success," "hints," "how-to," etc. (A great title example: "How to Win Friends and Influence People")
- Everyone analyzes a headline, and whether or not to proceed with reading, with the question “What’s in it for me?” Be cognizant of this when you write your headline, and make it worth your readers’ while.
- Your headline is a promise to readers- it’s great to lure readers in, but if you can’t deliver on what you promised, you will piss people off and drive them away for good. Keep your word. (See the comments on this page if you don't believe me)
- Pique curiosity, intrigue people, create headlines that challenge conventions and may even sound controversial.
- Keep it short, sweet and simple. Less is more. Go straight for the jugular in as few words as possible. And don’t be convoluted - tell your readers exactly what they will get if they keep reading.
- Write your killer headline BEFORE you write any content - this will ensure you deliver and also that you don’t compromise the quality of your headline in an attempt to fit your content.
- Seek inspiration: check out successful blogs, online newspapers and media outlets - see what draws people in, garners lots of comments and Facobook likes/Twitter retweets, and then analyze why it worked and how to emulate it.
- Use longtail, niche keywords in your headline - This will boost SEO and though your content will not be for everybody, it will be a hit with the niche you target.