hook_after_update() work around
The Drupal node hooks does not include an after_update like the user hooks do. This would be handy, particularly given that the hook_update and hook_insert call your custom hooks before the node is written to the database.
There is a work around. It is a bit hackish but it works. You can put in the hook_load() hook a check to see if the user matches the node owner and then implement what you would need to go into the after_update. The only real draw back to this approach is that it may be a little hard to find and might need extra processing since it is run anytime a node user is viewing that node type.
function example_load($node) {
$ret = db_fetch_object(db_query('SELECT * FROM {example} WHERE vid = %d',$node->vid));
global $user;
if($user->uid == $node->uid) {
static $filepath;
if(!$filepath) {
$sql = 'SELECT filepath FROM {files} WHERE nid=%d';
$filepath = db_result(db_query($sql,$node->nid));
if($filepath != $user->picture) {
$sql = 'UPDATE {users} SET picture="'.$filepath.'" WHERE uid='.$node->uid;
return $ret;