Recently, a member of (a social community for Drupal users) posed a question, "Is there a way to remove the label for a field on a content type?". This question brings up an interesting...
I will admit, my iTunes, library is a little chaotic. You know, like artist track names, info, and cover art all appear as unknown. If your collection is anything mine, I suggest you zip on over to...
Get Elastic posted about the valuable role Twitter can play for customer service. Some companies, like Zappos, are using Twitter to respond to customer complaints. Get Elastic noted that Zappos...
jQuery Cycle has a bug in IE 7 and 8 where a white background is added to cycle elements. That will override background images. If your cycle object has a background image and you use the cleartype...
Today is Naked Day and we are participating at LevelTen. We try to practice what we preach and that certainly includes adhering to Web standards. These standards promote interoperability between Web...
Follow Friday (also referred to as followfriday, or just ff), is a social movement using the social media application, [[Twitter]]. Every Friday, Twitter users essentially give shout outs to their...
Adding the following code in any PHP area in Drupal will give you settings values available client-side that you can use when writing JavaScript code. Pass a key/value associative array to...
Here is the node skeleton for Drupal 6 for anyone who cares and for me to reference :) This contains hook_views_api which requires the views module. The code inside the implementation of...
During these difficult economic times, it's inspiring to see so many organizations coming to the assistance of those in need. Here's a list of a few websites where you can go to help in an immediate...
Here lately with the economy in a slight down turn, we've started to get a little more creative as a sales team. With that in mind we've started to focus our attention on client relationships; how we...