Keep it cognitively efficient, stupid.
Jon Sanduck will be speaking tonight at the Dallas Web and Print Designers MeetUp at LevelTen. In this talk, Jon will be discussing some basic psychology for designers. He will break down different parts of the brain and explain how human primitive functions apply to designers today. Listen to Jon explain how designers are stewards of people’s attention, and how good design saves lives.
Watch the live stream here: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/dallas-web-and-print-designers
Jon Sandruck is an award-winning graphic designer who strives to create value for both clients and users by creating superior brand experiences for users, and by applying a cognition-based design approach to problems both online and off. He has demonstrated ability to translate both explicit written and oral instruction and passive data and analysis driven observation into insightful design that provides value to users, and creates value for clients. Jon has recently accepted a position as Senior Interaction Designer with XCube Labs in Dallas, TX.
Website: http://jon.sandruck.com
Image credit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_brain