12 Interesting and Business-Leveraging Facts About Tumblr
I feel like Tumblr is one of the most overlooked social networks as far as businesses marketing efforts go. Despite being viewed mostly as a blog, Tumblr is often used differently than traditional blogging sites. If I were to describe Tumblr in terms of other sites, I would say it is most like a mix of Twitter and Wordpress. But why should you even concern yourself with Tumblr? I've compiled twelve interesting facts that might make you give the social blogging site a second look.
Tumblr receives over 17 Billion pages views a month.
If you dial 1-866-584-6757, you can leave an audio post for your followers.
The majority of Tumblr users, 36%, are aged 18-34, a coveted market for most companies.
Tumblr has over 100 million blogs, and only 167 employees.
There's almost an equal split between the sexes on Tumblr - 51% male, 49% female.
Furby, that creepy 1990's doll, has a tumblr page.
40% of users visit Tumblr between 1 and 30 times a month.
Tumblr paired up with Humans of New York to raise money for Hurricane Sandy relief.
The name Tumblr is derived from "Tumblelogs", which were hand coded multimedia blogs.
In an interview with inc.com, David Karp (Tumblr's founder) admitted, "Being on computers all the time makes me feel gross."
Pressing J while looking at a Tumblr blog or home feed will scroll up on the page, pressing K will scroll down. This is helpful considering a lot of the Tumblrs feature infinite scrolling.
The company's tagline is "Follow the World's Creators".
There are 44.6 Billion blog posts on Tumblr.
Do these facts surprise you? Do you think Tumblr will see more marketing efforts from businesses in the future?
Featured Image Credit: Tumblr