12 Ideas for Creating Content on Your Business Blog
It's tough to keep content fresh and relevant on your business blog. Here are twelve ideas to get your creative juices flowing again!
1. Industry Alerts
Set up Google Alerts for your topic of interest in order to stay on top of the latest news in your industry. This will take the "search work" out of news gathering by having the news come to you instead of the other way around.
2. Other Types of Media
Create posts that aren't just full of text. Have one of your posts just be pictures from your last company outing, or a video interview with a leader in your community. Even an audio podcast can help spice things up and invite new visitors.
3. Be opinionated
Don't just regurgitate news or ideas, put your own spin on it. Don't worry too much if others don't agree with your thoughts; sometimes blogs that take a stance receive more comments because others feel free to express their thoughts too. But remember to be polite and respectful. Don't completely bash someone's viewpoint.
4. View the stats
One of the best ways to figure out what your visitors want to see on your blog is by checking your site analytics. Your web analytics provide rich information including how many visits a post got, where those visits were from, and even the viewer's geographic location. Go back to a popular post adn try to expand on that idea.
5. Invite guest bloggers
Having a guest blogger is a great way to keep content fresh. Guest blogs can add a new voice and different perspective. Allowing these kinds of posts can also generate new traffic if the guest blogger has a strong following.
6. introduce yourself or your team
This is a fun post to creat that can give visitors a feel for your company. Consider introducing that new team member on your blog, or writing about your coworker's cute new dog. Posts following "a day in the life of" someone in your company are also entertaining.
7. Write a review
Have you recently read a book pertaining to your business? Writing a review is an excellent opportunity for a blog post. This will establish you as a thought leader and show that you care about ideas within your business' concentration. And reviews are a great way for people interested in that book to stumble on to your site.
8. Add quotes
Do a post with thoughtful quotes from leaders in your industry. You can expand on their ideas or just list them. Be sure to ask for thoughts and feedback in the comments, it's always great to see what the quote means to other people.
9. Lists
Create a top ten list of your favorite web designs, or whatever may relate back to your business. This allows people to see what you're interested in and get ideas of their own. Invite people to expand on your list.
10. how-to
Typically people online are searching for information. If you can provide insight or a way to help your visitors solve a problem - that content is Internet gold. Be sure to add pictures or video if it will help add to your descriptions.
11. create an infographic
Facts are a great way to get a point across. Create an infographic or data chart of mind-blowing facts that will quickly inform viewers about pertinent topics.
12. cover a local event
Are you planning to attend a local workshop or conference? Take along your camera and notepad and record your experience! This will show that you are active in your community and will spread the word to people who might be interested in attending the next event.
How do you come up with ideas for your blog posts?
Photo Credit: Kazarelth