Why Drupal is the Best CMS for Business
To Drupal Or Not To Drupal. That Is The Question. In a previous blog, we discussed the importance of using content management systems (CMS) to build results-oriented websites. There are literally hundreds of content management systems out there, but we want to focus on one in particular: Drupal. Why is Drupal the best CMS for business? We’re glad you asked.
First, Drupal is free open source software (FOSS). This means it is free to download and use, and there are never any licensing fees. By contrast, basic commercial CMS’s can cost several thousands of dollars a year to license. With Drupal, you can invest the money you would have spent on licensing into building a better site.
Open source means you have access to the code and can change it if you choose. Many commercial CMS code is locked down, which means you may not be able to make certain types of changes or you may have to pay high-priced experts to do so. With Drupal, you are free to make any changes you want.
Drupal Stands Out
In the FOSS world, three CMS’s stand out above the rest: WordPress, Joomla and Drupal. All three are very popular and run millions of websites. WordPress is the most widely used and is ideal for blogging, while Joomla is popular for small business websites.
Where Drupal distinguishes itself is in its power to create advanced websites by starting small and growing virtually without limitations. Drupal powers a staggering 25% of the world’s top 10,000 CMS websites and is used by millions of small businesses, governmental agencies, universities, media conglomerates, and non-profits. Repeatedly we've been able to provide website redesigns for Dallas area organizations who have been impressed with Drupal's powerful ability to manage their site's content.
What’s the Catch?
Drupal is free, open source, highly adaptable and scalable. So why doesn’t everyone use it? Drupal is as famous for its significant learning curve as it is for its power and flexibility. Traditionally, it can take several months to become comfortable with the system. Fortunately, there is a user-friendly version of Drupal called Open Enterprise that provides simple plug-ins for essential website components. Open Enterprise is like purchasing a salad kit that has the very best lettuce, croutons, cheese and dressing pre-selected for you. All you have to do is choose what you want and mix them together. Open Enterprise incorporates search engine optimization, social media, etc,. and you simply install and modify its features as needed.
One More Reason to Love Drupal
There is one additional reason why Drupal is an optimal tool for building a results-oriented website: it is social. Whereas most websites are essentially online brochures, Drupal is a content management system and a social media platform in one. Results-oriented websites engage users. Online leaders differentiate themselves by utilizing interactive social features. Traditional CMS’s are playing catch-up when it comes to social media, but Drupal was built to be social from the very beginning.
Photo courtesy of Frédéric Bisson.