Meetup Alert! We're hosting "Building Next Generation Web Apps with Angular.js and Form.io"
The web is dramatically evolving. With the latest trend of the Internet of Things, there is a radical paradigm shift occurring in the web development community. Web applications are no longer being built to cater to human interaction, but now must adapt to handle machine-to-machine communications. This movement has placed a dramatic emphasis on API interfaces and technology stacks which are able to perform under the high concurrency and event-driven I/O required by the multitude of devices being integrated onto the web.
In this talk, we will learn about a new technology platform called Form.io, which is built on top of the M.E.A.N stack. Form.io is more than just another web application platform. It is an answer to the glaring problem of web applications needing to support high concurrency requests from a multitude of devices, and serves to bridge the gap between an ever increasing separation between Front end applications and backend systems.
Event Details:
Building Next Generation Web Apps with Angular.js & From.io
Day: Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Time: 6:30pm-8:00pm
Place: LevelTen Interactive Office
speaker: Travis Tidwell, NodeJS Developer
Travis Tidwell has been developing advanced enterprise software solutions for over 15 years ranging from Embedded GPS navigation products to Open Source web solutions.
This is a FREE event. Register on the Eventbrite page here: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/building-next-generation-web-apps-with-angularjs-and-formio-tickets-16776660443
Hope to see everyone there!