5 Tips to Keep Your Site Traffic Up During the Holiday Season
As many know, writing content during the holidays seems to be trivial, because business and traffic seem to slow down. If you happen to have a retail or e-commerce business, then you know your blog traffic will be high because many users will be searching the internet to make purchases for Christmas gifts. On average, blog traffic for non-retail websites is lower even with mobile searches during the holidays.
Tips to Keep Traffic Afloat for Non-Retail Websites
If you have a non-retail website like ours, it’s possible to get away with not writing a blog three times a week like it would be on a typical non-holiday week content schedule. Curated content is the way to go and incorporating social media into your content strategy will help you keep a steady traffic flow to your website, instead of having a drop-off.
- Mobile browsing will be you friend this holiday season. Like stated above, use social media to leverage some of your traffic by scheduling some curated content to your social channels. Twitter and Facebook are by far the most used apps for smartphone users, so take advantage of this by adding captivating images so browsing users can click on the article.
- Incorporate a holiday-themed content post (such as this one) to attract those seasonal visitors to your site. Sometimes those visitors might not be the ideal traffic, but one of the impressions could turn out to be a potential lead.
- Consider offering a holiday freebie, such as an eBook you don’t promote daily, to build your email list and increase social sharing.
- Focus on mobile optimization once your traffic starts trending down. This goes back to the first point. Strategically add high-traffic and relevant hashtags to attract the audience.
- For a New Years post, create a ‘Best Blogs of the Year’ blog post, where you link back to old posts from the year and generate traffic. Again, this goes back to the first point, to curate great content.
What will you add or not add to your content strategy in terms of holiday content? Do you see a dip in your numbers as well? Let me know in the comments below!