Here is a fun fact from NeuroFocus: Brains amount to 2 percent of our body weight, but account for 20 percent of our energy consumption.
NueroFocus’s expertise is in the neuroscience behind shopping. Through this research, I have created a social media strategy to best engage your shoppers this holiday. Here are few tips to make sure you are on the right path.
Clear and consistent messaging
Make sure your social media message is in sync with the rest of your holiday IMC and promotions. Too many messages confuse shoppers and lessen your social credibility. Keep it simple.
Take the pain out of buying
Paying-up triggers the pain sensors in the consumer's brain. Counteract this painful feeling by offering a bounce-back promotion and excellent customer service through all social media platforms.
Limit the use of red
Red and green are the typical holiday colors but red is also the color of danger. Just because Coca-cola can make Santa Clause red doesn’t mean your brand can pull it off. Instead, use blue and silver. These colors suggest trustworthiness and are a sleek way to spice up your social media backgrounds for the holidays.
Influence customers with mirror neurons
As soon as you put that questionable item back on the shelf the lady behind you is waiting to pick it up because it must be something worth wanting. The same thing happens online with mirror neurons. Tweeting or posting potential purchases to Facebook or Twitter trigger others to inquire. A social media wish list campaign would be a great way to engage shoppers and trigger this uninhibited reaction.
The original article that influenced my thoughts on this came from
Nielsen who invests in
NueroFocus for scientific data of how and why consumers shop the way they do.
Photo credit:
Patrick Hoesly
Terry Johnston