Labling Websites for better navigation
As we all know, navigation is a very important factor in increasing click through rates by assisting the user in finding information quickly and easily. Let's think of navigation in our everyday lives and apply it to websites. How difficult would it be to drive to Memphis, TN, without signs. We would have a general direction, but would sooner or later need to take every exit off the Interstate then come back to the Interstate and continue until we find our way. ..Very time consuming!
It is the same with websites that have internal links on internal pages, but do not have those links on the homepage, in drop-down menus, or an easily findable sitemap. By showing all links, you are forcing dropdowns or page scrolling but it is still much faster than having to click on each option, search the internal page links, then click back to go to the next page and try it again until you find the correct information.
Any time you can take the burden off the users our site will be more valuable to your customers.