Anyone can be in Sales; you Just Have to Bleed your Product!
If you spend enough time at the bookstore or browsing around online most likely you'll find hundreds, dare I say thousands of books and articles on being an effective salesperson. While each has its place and overall some valuable ideas, it has been my experience that Passion makes all the difference in being an effective and successful salesperson. Passion provides you with a belief in the products or services and that what you provide truly can make a notable and quite possibly an inconceivable difference in their clients business.
As sales professionals it is our responsibility to know and understand the products or services we provide, but knowing that information is only a fraction of what's needed to have true sales success. Passion, Spark, Energy and Enthusiasm whatever it's referred to, it all comes down to one truth, do you honestly believe in the product and that it's going to make a difference. No matter if you're selling paper or cars, websites or magazine subscriptions; if you firmly believe in your products, dare I say bleed your product, and convey that in your approach you will be a successful sales person.