Innovative, Trustworthy & Strategic

Innovative, Trustworthy & Strategic

  1. Trustworthy - Before you can begin to do anything as a company there has to be established trust; clients aren't just going to say "hey, here's $250 grand, see you in 6 months!" You have to show with small steps, show that you truly have their best interest at heart; then over time the comfort level will grow and you can get to those more exciting, innovative items.

  2. Strategic - Since the day I started here at LevelTen we've always preached that haveing a web strategy is vital to the success of a web project; the problem is that many clients simply want to give orders and aren't looking at the bigger picture. Fortunately, that's really started to change over the past year or so as more and more companies understand the value of their online presence and just like a business plan, they need an online plan to dominate.

  3. Innovative - I can't tell you how many times I've received the request that someone want's to recreate ebay, amazon, craigslist, _______________ insert site that now makes a fortune; guess what it's too late! Copying the success of someone else is not a good online business model; however, taking what someone else has done modifying that model and creating somthing new and innovative is! Every day I see members of our team come up with ideas and concepts that can help take any number of business to the next level; sure there's some risk in those ideas but you'll never hit a homerun if you don't swing the bat!

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