Learning Drupal - Part 1.5 - A New Hope
In Part 1 of my Learning Drupal blog series, I introduced some first steps to learning and understanding Drupal. In Parts 2 & 3 I plan to dig into training classes, official Drupal documentation and user forums, site recipes, blogs and blog aggregators, books, podcasts, videos, slide decks, distributions, Twitter, IRC, and more. But I thought I'd sneak in a Part 1.5 and show you a really great way to get paid to learn Drupal.
Anyone that can basically spell Drupal is in demand right now. Drupal developers, themers, designers, sitebuilders. Companies like Acquia and LevelTen make training the next crop of Drupal experts a priority- LevelTen runs the Dallas Drupal Users Group and its multiple monthly meetups, has frequent free and paid training classes and puts on an annual DrupalCamp in Dallas. Developing the Drupal ecosystem is critical for the success of Drupal as a whole. As is finding a better word than ecosystem.
Many Drupal shops are willing to take a skilled web developer and turn him or her into a skilled Drupal web developer. LevelTen is one of those shops- in fact we have an opening right now for just such a person. If you are a DFW area web developer and want to get paid to learn Drupal, this is a great opportunity. And undoubtedly there are similar positions open in other cities.
Just look at that incredible team in the photo above- except for that weird-looking guy in the back right, don't you really want to work with them? Every one of them knows Drupal and have dozens of contributed Drupal modules and themes between them. Most of them are very nice and hygienic. They would love to help you go from HTML and CSS wizard to Drupal ninja. All you have to do is ask.
By the way, if you plan to attend DrupalCamp Austin in a couple weeks, I'll be doing a presentation on Learning Drupal (if it gets selected). Feel free to vote for it!