Technology Gives Hope to Japan in Tragedy
"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will"- Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, 1920. By now, everyone knows the destruction that water can cause, by now everyone knows the hurt the ground shaking may bring and by now everyone knows the fear and exhaustion that comes from watching your world disappear. Unfortunately, over the past week mother nature struck again, and all of us watched as Japan came crumbling down to their knees in the fight to save their Country, their homes, their family. As we have sit here wondering how to aide them in this fight when we cannot physically do so, it seems that others have pushed through with will and started in whatever ways they can. A will so great that even in a technology sector of the workforce, we too have made and can continue to utilize technology in tragedy to make a difference.
Look at this article from CNN.com on the California student who found her family alive on YouTube. It was a case of one source of technology to the next that she was able to know her family was okay. Starting with an email from her sister that she was alive at her school, to hearing about a video in which her family could be seen alive, followed by a social network friend reaching out and finding the video for her, to finally seeing the 45 second YouTube clip capturing her family telling the reports to tell her they are okay. Pure amazement. This also continues back with her now trying to use the media to tell them she received their message. There is hope there, all because of technology.
Take a look at the fact that AT&T, Verizon and Time Warner have all offered free texts and calls to Japan through April 10. These companies knew they had the ability and technology to offer something in these tragic times, and so they did, they offered what they knew and provided that for others. Just as artist write songs at these times, or missionaries go across to share their message of hope, everyone must do what they can do. The Red Cross is reaching out and allowing people to text REDCROSS to 90999 for a $10 donation, allowing those that need a easy and simple way to help to get involved. Even March Madness has jumped in with a bracket through WGIRLS INC’S Hoops for Humanity, when you join for $22, giving all the proceeds to Save The Children which is working in Japan right now.
All these technological mediums have made it possible to not only know what is going on and be aware as we come together to fight this disaster, but have also given us the power to help in whatever way we can. Which a lot of times in my workplace is through the power of technology. I would encourage each and every one of you to fight back and help in whatever capacity you can, send messages of hope via YouTube to those who need to hear that they are not alone in this, enjoy a basketball bracket at the cost of saving a child, or send a text knowing it is worth more than your two or three Starbucks trips for the week, take advantage and call those you love or those that need help. However you want to help, just do so and ACT. For as Gandhi said, we do not need a physical strength, just an indomitable will.
Video Below: Benjamin Belew- Aria, a video to send hope to Japan