5 Ways to Push Through the Slump

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5 Ways to Push Through the Slump

We all have those days or weeks that seem to be full of busyness but not the productivity we aimed for. We all have those days or weeks where the thought of even typing a sentence seems draining. We all have those days or weeks where we just feel as if we are in a slump! You wonder where your motivation has gone, why your productivity has left you and how to get it all back! Here are some simple explanations and tips to get you on the right track: 1. Make a List and Start Small Often when were in a slump it is actually not due to a lack of projects but too many projects. It swamps our minds and makes the thought of even starting with one unbearable. Instead of racing through our brain protects itself and shuts off sending us into a slump. The fix: make a list of each task, breaking the big ones down to small. Then slowly but surly tackle one at a time crossing it off as you go. The brain is then not storing all that information and as the cross offs happen relief and joy will follow. 2. Take a Break Take a break of whatever has you bogged down. You can take a walk outside to get a drink from the store down the street, organize your work space, etc. just so long as you are changing the scenery for a minute or so to become refreshed. 3. Change up Your Routine Wake up earlier the day before, do your hair differently, switch up your morning drink, take lunch at a new time. These are all ways to change up your routine to spark innovation and excitement about your day. Be creative and look for ways you can do small switch-a-roo’s for a giddy fresh outlook. 4. Get Moving Exercise not only relieves stress and clears your mind but it also pumps endorphins through your body giving you a positive outlook. Get moving before or after work on a regular basis and it is bound to get you out of that slump and working with higher productivity. 5. JUST DO IT! Nike was smart in their choice of phrase, JUST DO IT. When all is said and done it is mind over matter, you have to make a conscious choice to get our of the slump and do something about it. You will find the power the mind has is incredible, so decide today to freshen up and be productive and energized. Decided today to accomplish your to-do list and to push through that fog! Photo Credit

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