Facebook is a social networking site that is used to connect people with other friends, interests, co-workers and places. Many people use it to stay in touch, to post pictures and keep others informed on their life as well as researching businesses. The social site is always being improved and updated but the basics are the same- here is how you can quickly get started using Facebook:
- Go to Facebook and begin to set up your new account (you will need a valid email address)!
- Find Friends
- Fill out your profile (ADD A PICTURE- this is handy when other people are trying to find you!)
- Select people you may know
- Join a network
- View and edit your profile
- Upload a picture
- View profile page
One great thing about Facebook compared to some other social media sites is its emphasis on the ability to have customized privacy settings. With Facebook's privacy settings, you can control who can see what in your profile - from your pictures or your applications to your personal information. As well as even being able to set a group or specific person apart from others in what content they can view.
Some other good information:
Status - you can update your status with items like what you're currently doing, your location or other things you find interesting.
Wall Posts - you can post on your friends walls as well as allow them to post on yours. Other people can then “like” or comment on these posts.
Messages- they are private and sent between friends or people who are not your friend yet depending on your privacy settings. They will show up in your inbox.
Poking- if you go to a friend’s profile page under their picture there will be an option to “Poke” them. If you push this next time they sign on they will see a notification that they were “Poked” by you. Same goes if someone pokes you- you will see it the next time you sign on.
Tagging- when you or someone else posts pictures you have the option to “tag” yourself as well as your friends. They will also have the option to tag you in pictures. These will show up under your pictures section depending on your privacy settings. Don't want to show up as tagged in a photo? You're in luck! Facebook also provides you with the option to "de-tag" photos.
Notifications- these will pop up on the globe next to messages on the upper left corner of your page. They tell you everything that is going on with or around your Facebook profile. For example- if someone writes on your wall, tags you in a picture or sends you an invite to an application. You can also receive these via email if you so choose to.
There is still much more that Facebook can be used for and has to offer - but hopefully this quick start guide can get you up and running on your own Facebook profile until you’re ready for some more additions- until then
Happy Facebooking!
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