5 Ways to Interact More with Your Facebook Fans
It only takes a few minutes of surfing Facebook to realize that everyone and their dog has a Facebook page. On a more relevant note, most of your direct competitors are on Facebook. What separates businesses on Facebook, then, are the relationships they forge with their consumers.
Too many businesses create a presence on Facebook for the sake of being on Facebook. The fact is, it can be worse to have a static Facebook page than no page at all. Unsupervised comments, complaints, and spam can do serious damage to a brand. However, if you believe Facebook is the place for you business, you need to do your best to take advantage of what Facebook has to offer.
Use these five tips to encourage interactions and build relationships.
This may be a fan's favorite form of interaction. Everyone loves getting something for nothing. Facebook recently introduced Facebook Deals to allow for location-based marketing. Facebook also recently relaxed their guidlines for contests and promotions, making it easier for brands to create specials and contests with their consumers. Take advantage of this and create fun offers or contests to engage your customers.
Probably the most engaging of all, events allow brands to interact with fans on a very real level. While you can hold virtual events, I'd encourage you to promote real events using Facebook. Set up a Facebook deal for a certain day, plan a customer appreciation party, or even sponsor a larger event in your city. Make the plans, create a Facebook event, and connect with your consumers where they live, eat, and work. They will appreciate your efforts and happy customers generate other customers.Videos
As one of the richest forms of media right now, videos draw attention. Next time you want to tell your fans about your annual event coming up, put together a video of last year's event and create 60 seconds of visual excitement. You can voice over the video to express all the details, or even insert an informational slide at the end. The point is, if you can turn your update into a video, it's a great way to connect with your consumers. Let them see your face, hear your voice, and feel your enthusiasm.Contests & Offers