How To Create an Interactive eBook
Today, we will explore a Mac only solution to interactive eBooks that can be published on iBooks for free. We have previously blogged on "How To Create an eBook Template for Internet Content Marketing" using PowerPoint, a program available to many on both Mac OS and Windows platforms. In a nutshell, this allows you to make an eBook in the form of a PDF once you convert it form the standard PowerPoint format.
In the Apple Store, there is a program called iBook Author, which allows anyone to make iBooks textbooks, cookbooks, manuals for businesses, etc. The program already has pre-made templates where you can drag and drop content, however it is also very flexible that it will allow you to make it your own with your company branding.
How interactive can your new iBooks/eBook be?
With iBooks Author you can add audio, video, 3D objects, and other widgets can be embedded to the iBook to make the user experience more enjoyable.
Who can view ibooks?
Anyone that owns an iPhone, iTouch, iPad ,or Mac Computer with the iBooks App installed, can view and interact with the book. The great thing about iBooks Author, is that not only does it allow you to publish the book in ePub format (iBooks for Mac OS) you can also export it to PDF.
You can email to a private list of who you want to view the book for books like Human Resources or company employee manual.
Have a book that you want to share to everyone? Publish it through the iBooks Store. This is a great option for those that have books like our book on "Website Redesign Success". This will allow for company exposure and making you a thought leader. You can set it to be a free or as purchase download.
How does it look?
iBooks can be done in either landscape or portrait view. There are no limitations.
Will you be using iBooks Author next time you make a training manual or how-to ebook? Let me know what you think about the new interactive eBooks that are becoming popular amongst major corporations.