New Year New Drupal Events
It’s really early into the New Year, but there are plenty of events in the Drupal Community that have already been scheduled for 2016. If you are new to Drupal, these camps are a great way to engage with the community and learn more.
Drupal is an open-source content management system that powers more and more of the web every year. The White House, Stanford, Yale, House of Representatives, Weather.com and many other high-performing traffic heavy websites are delivered through Drupal.
Don’t miss any of these events:
GLADCamp 2016 (Greater Los Angeles Drupal Camp)
January 21st, 2016 - https://gladcamp.org
DrupalCamp NJ 2016
January 29th, 2016 - https://www.drupalcampnj.org
SANDcamp 2016
February 24th-27th, 2016 - http://sandcamp.org
DrupalCampNYC 2016
February 27, 2016 - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/drupalcampnyc2016-registration-19937683147
Drupal Camp Utah 2016
March 4th- 5th 2016 - https://2016.drupalutah.org
Florida DrupalCamp 2016
March 5th, 2016 - https://www.fldrupal.camp
MidCamp 2016
March 17th-20th, 2016 - http://2016.midcamp.org
TexasCamp 2016
April 1st-2nd, 2016 - http://texascamp.org
You might recognize some of the annual camps above, but one you might notice is fairly new. That is because LevelTen decided to put together the first ever Texascamp 2016 on April 1st-2nd, 2016. The location will be at the Addison Conference and Theatre Centre.
More information will be made available in late January 2016. If you have any questions about sponsoring or call for papers, please email us at marketing@getlevelten.com. We hope to make TexasCamp a successful Drupal Camp.