Content is king...really, it is.
Back in the day, before Mozilla made the Internet come to life, there was all this talk in the media world about "convergence". Covergence was all about delivering on demand movies down a broadband telephone connection. It was to be the convergence of content and telephony. Movie studios and Ma Bell. Content and delivery. That was the first time I heard the term"content is king".
In 1996 there was a famous column by Bill Gates that talked about how content would be the main source of revenue on the Internet.
Well, at the moment (Sept. 2005), neither one of these things are happening. The telephony infrastructure is delivering broad band over twisted pair, copper wire. And while I do think it is amazing we have broadband data streams coming to our houses over wiring that was installed decades ago. The path to this convergence took a little detour down the dot com boom.
Bill Gate's prediction may become at least more true than it is today as the major publishers of content learn how to unbundle it and make money with it.
But, the real truism out of this is "Content is King".
Want traffic to your website...create great content.
Want to generate revenue from your website...create great content.
Want your website to place well in search engine results pages...create and distribute great content.
Content is King.
In the next post we'll talk about how to create great content and where to look in your company for great content.