Most of the details of Adobe's massive upgrade to all of it's CS3 (Creative Suite 3 for those who aren't familiar with Adobe's product naming conventions) line of graphic and interactive content creation software have been out there for a week or two. Adobe already annouced an officiall rollout date of March 27th for the suite, but no shipping date or pricing information was available until now.
Amazon leaked the pricing information by posting pre-order pages for the new Adobe software.
US pricing on the packages is as follows:
Adobe Creative Suite CS3 Web Premium will be $1599,
Adobe Creative Suite CS3 Master Collection is $2499,
Adobe Creative Suite CS3 Production Premium will go for $1199 and
Adobe Creative Suite CS3 Design Premium will be $1599.
Adobe's trying to make the full package the most attractive (even with
attractive new packaging) so they can sell you everything in one big bundle, but individual, stand-alone versions of each application will still be available. It looks like April 20th is the release date for most of the applications, but some like the Master Collection, Premiere Pro, Soundbooth, or Encore may not ship until July 1st.