Start showing some Skinr 2 in Drupal 7!
Many of you might be familiar with the module Skinr (http://drupal.org/project/skinr). It gained a lot of support back in Drupal 6 by providing an easier, albeit somewhat verbose, way of dynamically configuring how elements on your site are styled.
When I first started using Skinr, it worked as advertised; however, it ultimately left me with a bitter taste in my mouth. I felt like I was constantly trying to navigate an endless maze while blind-folded. There were options upon options and fieldsets within fieldsets. It had almost everything but the kitchen sink in it.
I never really have been one who enjoys feeling like I’m just wasting my time. So I eventually scrapped this module as being a potential long term candidate for managing customizable styling. Apparently I wasn’t the only one who had these concerns either.
Then the 2.x branch was born. I only started using the 2.x branch because it was the only one available for Drupal 7. They had completely scrapped the old interface and did an amazing amount of work to make Skinr easily maintainable. You can view a list of changes here: http://groups.drupal.org/node/53798.
So if any of you are like me, you probably were thinking: “Skinr, in Drupal 7? I don’t want to make this any more confusing than it has to be!” Well fear not! You can learn how to start Skinr-ing in just 7 easy steps!
Let us know if you're using this module and leave us a comment below!
Photo By: abbsworth