10 Things I've Learned in my First Week with LevelTen
1) Agile Project management process really works. The LevelTen team is the most organized and productive group of people I've ever worked with. And I've worked with some great teams!
2) Website Developers are reeeeeeally quiet. Or so it would seem. Then I noticed their focus was also driven by the music in their ear buds.
3) My dog is protective of the girl's row. Our first "Dog Day" saw both myself and my dog very nervous. I wasn't sure how she'd handle other dogs and other people at the same time. It turns out, the dog found her place guarding the girl's row of cubicles from anyone who might dare to enter. Beware.
4) An engineer's mind is interesting. I'll admit, I knew this from my previous experience working with technical minded brilliance for most of my career. I always find it fascinating, however, to see how this brilliance plays out.
5) It is possible to have a job that feels like play. I've heard it said that if you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life. I find this to be the case at LevelTen. With such a great work environment and straight up dedicated people, I almost feel guilty for getting a paycheck. Almost.
6) Drupal is a very powerful and bad ass platform on which to build a website. As I brush up on the Drupal videos on LevelTen's YouTube Channel, I'm impressed with the overall scalability of Drupal. Getting a glimpse of the impressive list of top websites running Drupal also opened my eyes to the wide-range use of the system.
7) The right tools make all the difference. LevelTen uses tried and tested tools to stay productive and efficient. With the aforementioned Agile process, the online availability of our tools and internet technologies including social media, we're able to stay on top of things with clients, both when working at the office or at home.
8) We practice (and teach) what we preach. Not only do we use Drupal to build our clients' websites, we built our own website using it too. We also train others how to use Drupal, how to get results from your website and how to use a project management system (see #1) that works.
9) The Drupal Community is a tight knit group of believers. As I've taken over the LevelTen social media communities, I've noticed a trend among Drupal users. They believe in their open source platform. I look forward to meeting more at the Dallas Drupal Days event coming up on September 7 & 8.
10) Work hard. Play hard. At LevelTen, we're head down creating the better websites our clients expect from us. We also have fun building a close camaraderie on our team. We plan active team events that we'll be sharing here or on our social media channels. Be sure to stay tuned.
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Results Oriented Web
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I think I'm going to like it here. And yes, we are hiring.