Are Bingers More Tech Savvy?
Recently, I came across an article on Tech Crunch reporting an interesting variance between Bing searchers and Google searchers. Surprisingly, the results show when it comes to ads Bingers are more click happy than those who use Google to search.
"The actual CTR for Bing is 1.74 percent versus 0.98 percent for Google, compared to a 1.50 percent CTR in the summer. Google’s CTR is almost the same. Chitika is basing these numbers on 134 million ad impressions across 80,000 sites, so it is a snapshot. It is measuring the proensity for people to click on an ad at asite after arriving there from a search engine via an organic search (i.e., not a paid search ad).
While Bing’s associated CTR went up, it’s actual share of search traffic went down to 5.75 percent from 8 percent last time. So the increase in the CTR could be skewed by its relatively small market share. Ask and AOL, which both represent even smaller shares of traffic to Chitika’s network, also have higher CTRs than even Bing, with AOL searchers clicking on ads at a 2.5 percent rate."
Why are Bing searchers so click happy? Is it the presentation and layout that increases the conversion rate? Or are Bingers more tech savvy? What do you think?