Ahh, November. Two great traditions got started last year in November.
Sporting ridiculous looking, half-grown mustaches as a part of
the Movember campaign and the pilgrimage to
DrupalCamp Austin.
This year the guys and gals down in Austin have out done themselves. There are a phenomenal number of Drupal greats headed to Austin. Here are just a few names and faces you should look out for:
And of course
Aaron and all the rest of the Four Kitchens gang. (I am sure I have missed a few, so please forgive.)
Once again this year the
Dallas Drupal User Group will be representing. Many of us will be attending and there are at least 12 proposed presentations by Dallas Drupalers. Make sure to vote for them!
Here are this year's proposed sessions:
If I have forgotten any, please let me know.
I can't wait, hope to see you there!