Top 13 Reasons to come to DrupalCamp Dallas NEXT WEEKEND!
Just one week from tomorrow is the 5th annual DrupalCamp Dallas, and it's going to be 5 MILLION times better than any Drupal event ever. Especially my session on the Hyperbole module. But just in case you are still on the fence, here are 13 reasons why you need to gently climb down off that fence without getting any splinters and get your ticket right now:
- Jeff Walpole from the Drupal (and Wordpress :) powerhouse Phase2 is giving our Keynote Address on Can Drupal be a Disruptive Force in Social Business Software? You wouldn't want to work at an unsocial business, now would you? So come learn how to make it social. With Drupal.
- Three full tracks of great sessions, all day long. Beginner? Then come learn about Drupal SEO, Design, Tricks & Tips, and Scaling Drupal. Expert? Then how about sessions on Zombie.js, Mobile Video, and Drupal 8 Deep Dive? Auto mechanic? For you there's Chris Ruppel's session on Advanced Frontend Performance! Heh .. get it? Front-end? Also a car term? Uh, yeah, ok nevermind..
- Case Studies: Higher education, CiviCRM and Texas Instruments and possibly more.
- Pantheon is hosting a two hour training session Saturday afternoon on Development Best Practices and Building Sites on Pantheon. Everything you need to be a great Drupal developer- version control, continuous development, workflow, and working in the dark until 4am while jacked on Jolt cola. Do they still make Jolt cola?
- Acquia experts will be on hand Saturday morning for Acquia On Tap - come ask any questions you have on security, performance, architecture, how well Dries can ski, and whatever else you might think of.
- Sign up for our companion Results Oriented Web Summit (ROW) on Friday and also get into the all-day Friday Drupal in a Day training event at the same venue. Or go to some of the Drupal training, and attend any ROW sessions you want. You should see the lineup of speakers they have at ROW.
- Once again we'll have the entire back room at the nearby Fox & Hound Pub on Friday night with free drinks and food. Come show off your pool, darts, and sitting skills. The ROW crowd will be joining us, and I think I can say without stereotyping that all marketing people are much more attractive than us Drupal developers. So you'll want to make that party.
- Spud and Sandwich Bar! Keeping the DrupalCamp Dallas tradition going of having the best food of any other Drupal event, we are planning a make your own sandwich and spud bar. Make your own lunch- 'cause we are not your mother.
- Giveaways! We'll have some very nice sponsor gifts, including full Drupal development and sitebuilding video courses from Buildamodule.
- Robert Ristroph submitted so many session ideas that we are just going to go ahead and give him his own track. All Robert Ristroph, all day. Sessions will be held in the Robert Ristroph room.
- Last year we tried to kill Josh Koenig from Pantheon at our post-Camp mountain bike ride. He survived somehow, with a cunning mix of biking skill and total lack of fear. So we'll be trying again this year, Sunday morning at nearby Rowlett Creek Preserve. Join us!
- Remember when we did the Camp in summer, and it was 107 degrees? Ahh, good times. Current forecast this year is sunny and in the 70's. That walk from the parking lot to the air conditioned Culwell Center is going to feel great!
- and finally ... one really, really big surprise. Really. No hyperbole this time.
Ok- if all that doesn't convince you to spend next Saturday (and Friday!) with us, then all hope is lost. Just go ahead and enjoy a beautiful weekend playing golf or spending time with your family instead of a bunch of sweaty Druplers. We'll understand.