Learning Through Drupal Case Studies
I have found that one of the best way to introduce people to Drupal is through [[http://drupal.org/cases|case studies]]. Case studies, on [[http://www.durpal.org|Drupal.org]], are complete breakdowns of newly built, or converted, Drupal websites written by the site's developers. In these case studies, developers generally discuss the project and why they initially chose Drupal, the site design and architecture, functionality, and challenges they faced along the way. Case studies are great resources for both novice and advanced Drupal developers because they answer questions and discuss topics that both spectrums may find useful, diving deep into Drupal development by presenting the what and the how without diving too deep into the steps to do them. They present the power and capabilities of Drupal to both old and new Drupal developers. So whether you are a prospective new Drupaler or just interested in what Drupal is capable of, check out a few case studies on the Drupal.org website. Here are some of my favorites. [[http://drupal.org/node/413910|Wellstone Action]] [[http://drupal.org/node/519100|DrupalCampLA 2009]] [[http://drupal.org/node/862022|Cargoh]] [[http://drupal.org/node/629664|Open Magazine]] [[http://drupal.org/node/718804|Augusta Chronicle]] Photo credit:[[http://www.flickr.com/photos/rainbreaw/3808206760/]]