How to Motivate Your Employees
As a company, it is imperative to have the very best team you possibly can. A strong team is one that stands by its leader, advocates for its company brand on and off the clock, and that genuinely wants the best for its company. The disputes between American Airlines' executives and its employees, and the company’s subsequent bankruptcy,
are recent proof of the disastrous effects team discord can bring about. As a manager or leader, one of your primary responsibilities is to cultivate a healthy and fertile work environment for your employees.
You might be surprised to hear that, although important, money is not what motivates employees to perform at their very best. There are several ways to engage your team and build a strong sense of loyalty that don’t involve financial bonuses. Here are three ways to boost your team morale:
1) Empower employees - The same way that citizens won’t show up to vote if they don’t believe their vote will make a difference, employees won’t give their best if they feel a heavy-handed manager will not pay attention to their input and contribution. Employees need to feel that their work truly matters and that they can voice their opinions without fear of usurping authority. Cultivate an environment of openness where new ideas and opinions are encouraged, and where employees won’t feel afraid to be themselves (of course, client sites are a different thing altogether, but the home office should feel like a haven). If employees feel their junior title or position has no bearing on their ability to contribute meaningfully, they will stay late, work on weekends and devote their resources to advancing the company.
2) Be complimentary - At the end of the day, everyone wants to be validated. Learning the power of praise is one of the most important lessons you can learn, personally or professionally. Giving your employees praise and acknowledgement for their efforts and improvements can go a million miles further than money. Compliment them in public and in private, but as a leader, always be encouraging and distribute the good vibes evenly - don’t play favorites.
3) Make every month December - Ah, there is so much we can learn from the best month of the year, the one where we throw parties and give out gifts - and the one where employee morale is often at its highest. Throw monthly company gatherings that give employees a chance to bond outside of work (ie: LevelTen’s recent excursions include a picnic at the park, Dave & Buster’s, and cupcake parties for birthdays). Shared experiences like this cultivate friendships and bonding which can be the extra boost your employees need to get to the office every morning. And give out small rewards for good work throughout the year. They don’t have to be costly (Some great ideas include: a spot box with $10 gift cards to Target/Starbucks that employees can give out to thank each other, or monthly gift cards for the employee whose blog drives the most traffic to the company site). Spread some positivity and your employees will bring it back to you tenfold.