Within Scope and Budget

Within Scope and Budget

As an account manager with LevelTen, I've been involved with many projects some successful, others not so successful. While a few of the less successful projects were due to execution, a significant portion of the project pitfalls were lack of organization and communication during the initial stages of the project. The following suggestions are intended to help clients be more productive and assist with completing a project on time and within budget...

Specifying application features

While it's the design firm’s job to accurately understand the underlying programming of any application, clients should adequately research similar applications before contacting the design firm in order to accurately describe the features needed for the application. Providing a clear understanding of what you expect and how you expect it to work will reduce redevelopment costs in the future.

Reviewing strategy documents

This is YOUR online business plan. Carefully review the documentation provided by the design/development company. Ask questions if you are unclear about any part of the document. These documents are designed as a blueprint from which to work. If you do not understand the documents, you most likely will not understand the finished site/application.

Reviewing design concepts 

Let the professionals do their jobs. If you are working with a professional design firm with years of experience, it may be a good idea to consider their opinions over your own. Not to say that you don't have a good eye for design, but these guys have years of education and experience in color theory, design patterns, etc. Telling a designer how to design a concept is like telling a lawyer how to try your case you will usually end up mistaken.

Signing off on deliverables

Most web development companies make the client signoff on deliverables, including strategy documents and design concepts. It is very important to be completely happy with these items before you sign off on the approval of these documents. If you do sign off on them and then change your mind, you will possibly be in for a very expensive, time consuming process of making changes.

Remember, these processes are in place for a good reason. Documentation and signoffs protect both the design firm and the client from confusion and dismay that ultimately leads to project failure. If you follow these tips, your chances of launching a successful website within budget and scope increase significantly. If not, you will wish that you had.

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