Intern Spotlight: J Henderson
Hello, my name is J Henderson and I am one of the newest marketing interns here at LevelTen Interactive. I am eager and genuinely excited about starting my internship with LevelTen. I wanted to learn the internal structure of a business and how my collegiate education would benefit me in my chosen career field. I am going to document my experience and dissect what I am learning so that other students can learn from my experience and ultimately prepare for their career. In just the first two days of my internship, I have learned a great deal of useful experiences that will take my education to a new higher level. I am a Web Design and Interactive Media student at the Art Institute of Dallas. I am currently learning about vast types of media, and how they correspond to the world. I am also in the process of developing my own personal understanding of what field I want to pursue. Therefore this internship will allow me to interact with each position within the company and get a better understanding to shape my education and give me a better sense of what questions to ask, and what information that I need to grasp in order to graduate and be prepared for the job market. I hope to learn and develop more as the internship progresses. I am hoping to learn more about Drupal, user centered design, information architecture, and online marketing! Through this internship, I hope to gain important lessons in the industry that will mold my career.