5 Reasons Everyone Loves Drupal
Drupal is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) on the market today making up for 2.5% of the total websites on the internet. Some notable websites built on Drupal are the White House, The Weather Channel, and Georgetown University just to name a few. Today, being so close to Valentine's Day, some of the LevelTen Team shared reasons why they love Drupal CMS.
The Developers Love Drupal Because:
Of the modularity and the ability to build upon other people's work. Also, scalability, where Drupal can handle small to large projects when configured correctly. - Ahmad Kharbat
Of the separation of layers in the architecture. It takes more time to build, but it's very clear how services are pieced together and interact with each other. - Kyle Taylor
Of Views! With Views I'm invincible - if you've been a good Drupal-er and built your content types and taxonomies and nodequeues etc. well, you can build almost any kind of display, block, page, search, or table with views. - Kristin Brinner
The Production Team Love Drupal Because:
Depending on how many clients are willing to spend - there is usually a module to solve every conceivable problem. The number of integrations and the level of integration between the website and other services is very impressive. - Kristin Yang
Drupal is customizable to almost every client's needs. It truly sets up our clients to grow and expand their business and their website. - Kendall Westbrook
Marketing Loves Drupal Because:
There are many built-in SEO tools and modules that are regularly updated. As a marketer, it allows me to optimize website content on the fly without overloading it with bulky HTML code. I can fill web pages and blogs search engine-friendly images with Image ALT Tags. I can also edit web page URLs to fit keywords that are being target. - Felipa Villegas
What are some of the reasons you love Drupal? Leave in the comments below!