Top 12 Reasons to Attend the ROW Summit
This year’s Results Oriented Web Summit is turning out to be Dallas’ own mini-SXSW. Are you going to be there? If you’re having a hard time trying to decide whether or not the ROW Summit is for you, we’ve compiled this handy list of 12 reasons why you should attend.
Allison Cerra (author of The Identity Shift and Transforming Business: Big Data, Mobility, and Globalization) is the keynote speaker this year. She has some amazing insight (and data) about the revolutionary changes in today's business/consumer relationship and what companies are doing to keep up. Plus she'll have books for attendees. Conference attendees love books.
Customize your experience by alternating between four tracks - content, design & user experience, marketing, and project management.
Increase your social fuel with a hearty breakfast and lunch catered by McAlister’s Deli.
Meet other online professionals - in person!
See speakers that you may have missed at SxSW and PubCon.
Impress your boss, coworkers, friends, or family with all the knowledge you gain.
Watch the dynamic J Damany Daniel return to the speaker’s stage with his DJ co-host Jason Esquire as they serve up tunes, insights, and dance breaks.
Gain friends (and possibly frenemies) with a cordial game of shuffleboard at the Fox & Hound after party.
Make it a staycation! Attendees receive a special discount at the Hyatt Place Garland, just steps from the event center.
Come back on Saturday for the Dallas Drupal Camp; a free registration is included when you purchase a ticket for the ROW Summit.
The Curtis Culwell Center is equipped with wifi access, allowing you to quickly look up or bookmark relevant sites.
LevelTen will be hosting Drupal in a Day at the center during the ROW Summit. This is a great chance to learn the basics of Drupal and get hands-on experience using the CMS.
So what are you waiting for? Sign up today and we’ll see you on the 12th!